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Expert Witness (1988 - 2022)

Turquoise Property Gulf (TPG)                 (2022 – present)

Expert Witness: Digital Television (DTV), internet, and phone network revenue sharing analysis and ownership dispute

One of the owners of TPG contracted me to help determine market rates for telecom services over a 20-year period to develop fair use value of the network system providing Digital-TV, phone, and internet services to various condominium properties. In addition, I performed an infrastructure quality and ownership assessment. These involved a site survey and studying all associated service agreements and contracts such as Right of Entry agreements, applicable municipal/state codes/regulations/ordinances, federal (FCC) regulations, industry standards, and best practices. My input helped prevent a scheduled jury trial and force a favorable arbitration.

Tuskegee University (TU)  (2019-2021)

Expert Witness: Telecom, Information Technology (IT), Optical Networks

Tuskegee University contacted me to represent them in a claim by a telecom Carrier stating that TU  had defaulted on a Carrier Agreement that included delivering 1 G Ethernet service and an upgrade to TU’s IT network. I assessed the proposed fiber optic cable deployment, optical network design, IT technology upgrade, services, and operations. I developed a market study, assessed material and labor costs, and performed a requirements analysis, risk analysis, and network availability study. I also evaluated whether agreements, equipment, material, and telecom Carrier performance comported with industry standards and program management practices. I discovered various industry standards and best practices violations in deployment plans submitted by the Carrier that would place unreasonable risks to the TU IT network. As a result, I helped bring this claim to a favorable arbitration.

Vermont Public Utility Commission (PUC) (2007-2018)

Expert Witness: Telecom, Information Technology (IT), Wireless and Optical Networks

I provided written and oral testimony in several cases spanning almost a decade. These cases involved the purchase of telecom properties by new market entrants, modification of service quality recording related to 911, cellular coverage, reliability of 911 networks/services, and help in determining penalties or other incentives to improve 911 service levels to the citizens of Vermont. I provided written discovery requests, reviewed resulting discovery, reviewed network design, accessed network reliability resulting in identifying risks, and proposed practices to avoid/mitigate risks in my written testimony. In addition, I occasionally provided oral testimony and answered questions from the PUC, various network experts, and the attorneys representing the telecom Carriers.

City of Longboat Key Florida (2011- 2012)

Expert Witness: Wireless Services

I was engaged by the City of Longboat Key, Florida, to assess wireless services and coverage from all the major carriers and propose alternatives that would eliminate the need for large towers. We performed a drive-test and subsequent analysis of existing coverage and how it could be improved. I presented our findings and recommendations at various informal city/county meetings and formal city council meetings, all open to the public. My conclusions were scrutinized by attorneys and other experts representing citizens and Carriers. My recommendations prevented building a 75-foot tower on the island by proposing alternatives such as Distributed Antenna System (DAS) and small cells utilizing utility poles and rooftop sites to complete island coverage.

Boeing Subsidiary (1988 – 1990)

Expert Witness: Government Communications Project Requirements Analysis and Contract Compliance

Boeing contracted me to represent them regarding an over $50,000,000 damage claim against Boeing’s prime contractor on a communications project upgrade. The project involved the software development and advancement of a strategic ground and control system. I was deposed several times by opposition experts and attorneys. However, my testimony was instrumental in the client winning most of their claim in arbitration.


  • Telecom and Information Technology (IT)
  • Optical and Wireless Networks (4G, 5G, WiFi)
  • Cellular (4G, 5G) coverage analysis/optimization
  • Emergency Services (911) and Public Safety
  • Disaster Recovery analysis and plans
  • Technical design, cost, feasibility, and reliability analysis
  • Municipal/County/State/Federal Telecom Regulatory
  • Project Management/Policies/Principals
  • Requirements analysis contract/standards compliance